Elizebeth (erizebesu) in Japanese
Elizebeth in Katakana
Elizebeth in Romaji
Elizebeth in Hiragana
The name Elizebeth in Japanese Katakana is エリゼベス which in romaji is erizebesu. Katakana is the standard translation for names into Japanese, Elizebeth in Japanese Hiragana, the non-standard translation for names into Japanese, is えりぜべす.
How do you write Elizebeth in Japanese Kanji?
The closest sounding kanji name to "elizebeth" is 絵里舞華 (pronounced as e-ri-bu-ka). The kanji 絵 means "picture", 里 means "village", 舞 means "dance", and 華 means "flower". Together, the kanji name can be translated to mean something like "a picture of a dancing flower from a village".
The western meaning of the name "Elizabeth" is "God is my oath". The closest matching Kanji name based on this meaning is 神託 (Kamitaku). It is pronounced ka-mi-ta-ku and it means "divine prophecy".