Krzysztof () in Japanese
Krzysztof in Katakana
Krzysztof in Romaji
Krzysztof in Hiragana
The name Krzysztof in Japanese Katakana is which in romaji is . Katakana is the standard translation for names into Japanese, Krzysztof in Japanese Hiragana, the non-standard translation for names into Japanese, is .
How do you write Krzysztof in Japanese Kanji?
The closest sounding kanji name that sounds similar to "krzysztof" is 克里斯藤 (Kurisu-tsuzu-to). The pronunciation of the kanji is "Kuri-su-tsu-zu-to". The kanji means "Crisp Vine".
The western meaning of the name Krzysztof is "Follower of Christ". The closest matching Kanji name based on this meaning would be 基督追随者, pronounced "Ki-tsu-tsu-tsu-i-sui-sha". The Kanji characters mean "Christ" (基督) and "Follower" (追随者).