Malcolm (marukomu) in Japanese

Malcolm in Katakana


Malcolm in Romaji


Malcolm in Hiragana


The name Malcolm in Japanese Katakana is マルコム which in romaji is marukomu. Katakana is the standard translation for names into Japanese, Malcolm in Japanese Hiragana, the non-standard translation for names into Japanese, is まるこむ.

How do you write Malcolm in Japanese Kanji?

The closest sounding kanji name that sounds similar to "malcolm" is 麻呂苦夢 (まろくむ). It is pronounced "ma-ro-ku-mu" and it means "bitter dream".

The western meaning of the name Malcolm is "disciple of Saint Columba". The closest matching Kanji name is 馬立 (Ma-ri-tsu), which is pronounced "ma-ri-tsu". The kanji means "horse stand".


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malcom marukomu
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