Saturnino (sachuruniino) in Japanese

Saturnino in Katakana


Saturnino in Romaji


Saturnino in Hiragana


The name Saturnino in Japanese Katakana is サチュルニイノ which in romaji is sachuruniino. Katakana is the standard translation for names into Japanese, Saturnino in Japanese Hiragana, the non-standard translation for names into Japanese, is さちゅるにいの.

How do you write Saturnino in Japanese Kanji?

The closest sounding kanji name for "Saturnino" is 左千里男 (Sa-chi-ru-ni-no). This name is pronounced as follows: Sa (さ) - Chi (ち) - Ru (る) - Ni (に) - No (の). The kanji characters mean "left", "thousand", "miles", and "man" respectively.

The western meaning of the name "Saturnino" is derived from the Latin name Saturninus, which means "of Saturn". The closest matching Kanji name based on this meaning is 冥王星 (Meiōsei), which is pronounced "mei-o-sei". The Kanji characters mean "dark king star", referring to the planet Saturn.


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