Georgetta (joojetta) in Japanese
Georgetta in Katakana
Georgetta in Romaji
Georgetta in Hiragana
The name Georgetta in Japanese Katakana is ジョオジェッタ which in romaji is joojetta. Katakana is the standard translation for names into Japanese, Georgetta in Japanese Hiragana, the non-standard translation for names into Japanese, is じょおじぇった.
How do you write Georgetta in Japanese Kanji?
The closest sounding kanji name that sounds similar to "georgetta" is 如月ジョージェッタ (Jūgetsu Jōjetta), which is pronounced joo-ge-tsu-joh-je-tta. The kanji 如月 (Jūgetsu) means "like the moon", and ジョージェッタ (Jōjetta) is a combination of the English name George and the Italian name Getta.
The western meaning of the name Georgetta is "farmer". The closest matching Kanji name based on this meaning is 農夫 (Nōfu). It is pronounced "no-fu". The Kanji characters mean "farmer" and "husband" respectively.